Knights of Columbus of Fishers
30th Annual Charity Golf Outing
The Hawthorns Golf & Country Club
Monday Sept. 23rd, 2024
The Knights of Columbus of Fishers are very proud to continue a tradition of providing funds for various charities with the 29th Annual Charity Golf Outing. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we have contributed in excess of $543,000 to numerous non-profit organizations in the years of this event.
Proceeds from this year’s charity golf outing will benefit Gibault School, Little Sisters of the Poor, The O'Connor House along with Hamilton County Charities and other Knights of Columbus Local Charities.
Times for the Event
- 9:00am - Registration
- Lunch
- 11:15am - Shotgun Start
- Awards Dinner After Golf
Word to the wise: Come early for all the festivities prior to the Shotgun Start.
Download: Registration Form / Brochure
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If you are paying by check, cash or at the day of the event, please download our registration form: Registration Form
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Gibault was founded in 1921 by the Indiana Knights of Columbus to provide troubled children and families the opportunity to grow emotionally, educationally, spiritually, physically and socially. The children’s growth occurs within a highly structured environment where the youth can test new behaviors while working on individualized treatment plans. Treatment plans are designed to teach students to improve their life skills so that they can maximize their potential to accept responsibility for their actions and to gain control over their behaviors.
Gibault seeks to correct critical thinking errors, as well as skewed perceptions of socially and morally acceptable behaviors in troubled youth. Gibault’s audience is the children, families, and communities we serve.
The children who benefit most from the services Gibault provides are: those with mild emotional disturbances, aggressive and oppositional behaviors, substance abuse issues, victims of physical and sexual abuse, perpetrators of physical and sexual abuse, learning disabled children, and children with a variety of clinical diagnosis.
For more information, please visit
Little Sisters of the Poor
On October 25, 1792, in the fishing port of Cancale, in Brittany, France, a little girl was born whose name would one day be known on every continent. Less than four years later her father was lost at sea, like so many other Breton sailors. Jeanne Jugen and her siblings learned from their mother how to live poorly but courageously, with faith and love in God. When she was eighteen years old, Jeanne refused a first marriage proposal. "God wants me for Himself," she confided to her mother. "He is keeping me for a work which is not yet known, for a work which is not yet founded."
She would find this work more than twenty years later in Saint Servan, a city near Cancale, where she discovered a blind and paralyzed old woman who had been abandoned. Jeanne took her in her arms, brought her home and placed her in her own bed. Another old woman would follow, then a third...The Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor was born.
When Jeanne Jugan died on August 29, 1879, there were already 2,400 Little Sisters of the Poor caring for the elderly in nine countries. Today, in thirty-one countries around the world, we continue the work begun by Jeanne Jugan by serving the elderly of the human family.
Jeanne often told the young sisters, "Making the elderly happy, that is what counts." Today we wish to live out these words of our foundress with the help of many collaborators and friends.
For more information, please visit
The O'Connor House
The O'Connor House Mission is to provide a Christian home to help single, pregnant, homeless women improve life for themselves and their children.
For more information, please visit
Knights of Columbus Local Charities
Through your generosity, throughout the year K of C Council #6923 of Fishers, Indiana supports various charities around the local community.